One-page checkout is a separate page that allows customers to fill in their information, such as credit card information, see an overview of their purchases, and checkout, all on one page.
Step 1. Install the extension.
Step 2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Amasty Extensions > One Step Checkout > General tab.
Step 3. Choose Yes in the first line to Enable One Step Checkout.
Step 4. Choose whether to Allow to Edit Products in the Order Summary.
Step 5. Switch the Enable JavaScript and HTML bundling and minifying for checkout page setting to Yes to speed up the checkout loading.
Step 6. Choose whether to Allow Guest Checkout.
Step 7. Choose when to Let Customers Create an Account at Checkout.
Step 8. Choose the needed option in the Automatically Log in Customers After Creating an Account at Checkout setting.
Firecheckout Magento 2 is a third-party module for checkout customization. But Amasty One Step Checkout provides many options for creating an effective checkout page. The extension allows you to solve the most common issues customers face at checkout with one out-of-the-box solution.
The One Step Checkout extension supports mobile devices and provides extended Magento mobile checkout functionality to make the checkout process for your store customers smooth regardless of the device they use.
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