1. Log in to your server via a command line.
The needed repository must have already been specified, if not check the following guide:
2. Proceed to the Root Magento folder.
3. Execute the following command:
composer update amasty/<composer_module_name>;
For example:
composer require amasty/shopby
You can learn the composer module name under the Products tab of your account.
4. When the extension has been installed, execute:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
If needed, also run:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
If you would like to check the extension version via the files, please keep in mind that the relevant extension version is specified in the composer.json file of the extension folder. The version in etc/module.xml is NOT the extension version but the version of installation scripts.
In order to check the current extension version, proceed to Stores > Configuration > Amasty Extensions > Extensions & Notifications > Installed Extensions.
Helpful hint: say, updated your M2 extension, you haven't found one feature that would close your current functionality requirements. Hiring a dedicated development team seems to be too expensive in this case. We offer our configuration service for $59. We design and know our extensions like no one else does. We can customize it or develop any add-on according to your desire.
Support Subscription Pro and Support Subscription Premium come with a free configuration service for a number of extensions so you can install new features for your modules at no extra cost.
See also how to update Magento extensions by Amasty.
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