Custom options are a power feature included with Magento 2. Custom Magento 2 product options allow merchants to customize elements, enabling customers to select preferences ranging from personalization text fields to dropdown menus for sizing and color options. Other custom options include the Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options extension. This feature helps improve product customization by making product custom options dependent on each other.
Magento customizable options typically include four types of data:
If you want to add customizable options programmatically in Magento 2, you can do so by following a few simple steps. Here is a sample code that imports magento 2 product custom options from an array. The code includes the basic and required fields. Additional fields can be added as needed, making it versatile for importing various types of custom options.
Sample array data:
$datas = array(
"sku" => "951391-1-1",
"attributes" => '[{"title":"Add \"I\'m a pro\" on the back title", "type":"checkbox", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"1", "values":[{"title":"Add \"I\'m a pro\" on the back", "price":"2.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"Add my name", "price":"6.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"Add my name title", "type":"field", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"2", "price":"0.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test area title", "type":"area", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"3", "price":"16.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test file title", "type":"file", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"5", "price":"4.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test dropdown title", "type":"drop_down", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"6", "values":[{"title":"test dropdown 1", "price":"7.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"test dropdown 2", "price":"8.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"Test radio title", "type":"radio", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"7", "values":[{"title":"Test radio1", "price":"9.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"Test radio2", "price":"10.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"Test multiselect title", "type":"multiple", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"8", "values":[{"title":"Test m-select1", "price":"11.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"1"}, {"title":"Test m-select2", "price":"12.000000", "price_type":"fixed", "sku":null, "sort_order":"2"}]}, {"title":"test date title", "type":"date", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"9", "price":"13.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test data-time title", "type":"date_time", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"10", "price":"14.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}, {"title":"Test time title", "type":"time", "is_require":"0", "sort_order":"11", "price":"15.000000", "price_type":"fixed"}]'
$options = array();
foreach ($datas as $data) {
$_product = $this->_objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Api\ProductRepositoryInterface')->get($data['sku'], true);
$options = json_decode($data['attributes'], true);
foreach ($options as $arrayOption) {
$isRequire = $arrayOption['is_require'] == 0 ? true : false;
$customOption = $this->_objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductCustomOptionInterface');
if (!in_array($arrayOption['type'], array('drop_down', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'multiple'))) {
} else {
$customOptions[] = $customOption;
Magento 2 enables you to add custom options to your products. Alternatively, you have the option to enhance this functionality by leveraging extensions like Product Option Template.
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