Shopify Headless Commerce: Your Guide to Upgrading Your Store

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Shopify Headless Commerce
Posted in: Shopify Insights

Running your current Shopify e-commerce store can feel like riding a horse without a saddle: exhilarating at first, but ultimately clunky and prone to unexpected (and often disastrous) tumbles. Traditional e-commerce platforms often lock you into pre-built storefronts, limiting your ability to create a truly unique and engaging shopping experience. While this may be great when you are first starting out, it can quickly feel limiting and out of your control.

Before you start looking for other alternatives and going off-platform, there's a solution: Shopify headless CMS. Headless e-commerce offers many benefits compared to its traditional counterpart.

In this guide, we'll cover how headless commerce with Shopify can transform your online store from a limited storefront to a multi-faceted distribution channel that not only works well but also looks and feels brand new.

What is Headless Commerce, Anyway?

To understand headless commerce, we first have to consider the online store as a concept. A two-part puzzle, for example, is a great analogy.

One part is the face customers see—your website's design, colors, and layout. This is the front end. You want to make it not only visually striking and unique but also easy for customers to navigate and find exactly what they need.

The other part is the brains behind the operation—managing products, orders, and customer information. That's the back end. Generally, anything to do with sales, marketing, customer service, and driving revenue will be associated with the back end.

Anything related to fulfillment, nuance, management, or operations (generally the "behind the scenes" work) will be stored in the back end, just like the multiple wires that make a TV work with various audio and visual systems. While businesses have divorced these two things, in online stores these pieces are stuck together.

Headless commerce is like separating them, allowing you to redesign the front end without messing up the back-end systems. Shopify headless architecture allows you to change your wardrobe without changing the person inside.

Read More: 5 Best Headless Commerce Platforms

Headless Shopify Commerce Gives You Freedom and Flexibility

If you're already using Shopify, you may already be familiar with its various functionalities. Perhaps you already have the integrations that you need from the app store and have customized every nook and cranny of the site to your liking. There's no doubt that Shopify is already a rockstar platform for e-commerce.

With headless Shopify, you unlock a whole new level of customization. Here's why it might be the perfect fit for your e-commerce quest:

Craft a Bespoke Storefront

Ditch the cookie-cutter templates and build a storefront that reflects your brand identity perfectly. Think of interactive elements, smooth user journeys, and a layout that makes buying a breeze.

You can achieve that unique "customized" feeling your customers seek, at scale.

Omnichannel Domination

Headless commerce allows you to build a consistent shopping experience across all platforms – mobile apps, social media, in-store kiosks, you name it.

Customers can start browsing on their phones and seamlessly finish their purchases on their laptops. With mobile phones as much as 54.7% of internet traffic, this is extremely important.

Future-Proof Your Business

It feels like technology evolves faster than the speed of light. Headless architecture gives you the flexibility to adapt and integrate new technologies without wrestling with your entire platform.

Headless commerce allows you to stay on top of trends faster without disrupting your current operations.

For example, if a new, sleek layout is trending in your niche, you can change the front end of your website without causing a disconnect to your distribution or payment processors.

Performance Boost

Headless architecture can lead to faster loading times and a smoother user experience, which can translate to happy customers and (hopefully) more sales.

According to Forbes, over 40% of users will leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. You read that right, 3 seconds. Think about the last time you refreshed a page, which wasn't instant.

Clients and customers have come to expect higher service excellence, and headless commerce allows you to keep up with the times.

Shopify Headless Commerce Architecture

Is Headless Shopify Right for You?

So, you're intrigued by the idea of headless commerce but are unsure if it's the right fit for your business?

Let's break it down and review the pros and cons of each, and ultimately, some things to consider if you're the ideal candidate for a headless commerce experience.

The Pros

  • Ultimate Flexibility – Want a completely custom online store that reflects your brand perfectly? Headless gives you the freedom to design and develop exactly what you envision.
  • Improved Performance – Decoupling the front-end and back-end can lead to faster load times and a smoother shopping experience for your customers.
  • Omnichannel Excellence – Sell anywhere – your website, mobile app, social media, or in-store kiosks – with a consistent customer experience.
  • Future-Proof Your Business – Stay ahead of the curve by easily integrating new technologies and trends without disrupting your core operations.

The Cons

  • More Complex – Building and maintaining a headless commerce setup requires technical expertise or a development team. It also requires specialized teams and possibly internal information barriers so that everyone stays onside and on task.
  • Potentially Higher Costs – Compared to traditional Shopify, there's an upfront investment in development and ongoing maintenance. Check out Shopify Plus headless commerce and contact them to learn more.
  • Steeper Learning Curve – You'll need to familiarize yourself with new technologies and processes. It will take more time at first, but it will ultimately save you time and bring in more revenue when done correctly.

Ideal Candidates for Shopify Headless Commerce

  • Tech-Savvy Businesses – If you have a development team or are comfortable working with one, headless commerce is not only a great addition, but may already work well with your existing topology.
  • Brands Prioritizing Customization – Headless is the way to go if a unique and personalized shopping experience is fundamental to your brand.
  • Businesses with Multiple Sales Channels – Headless commerce gives you this flexibility if you sell across various platforms and want a consistent customer journey.
  • High-Growth Businesses – If you anticipate rapid growth and need a scalable solution, headless Shopify can handle the increased traffic and the challenges that come with delivering customized solutions in large volumes.

The decision to go headless depends on your specific business goals, resources, and risk tolerance. Weigh the pros and cons carefully to determine if it's the right path for your e-commerce journey. Conduct due diligence (like reading these guides!) and discuss with your team before making a sizable change.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Some businesses thrive with traditional Shopify, while others reap the rewards of headless commerce.

Going Headless with Shopify, Step-By-Step

Converting your traditional Shopify store to a headless setup might appear daunting, but with careful planning and execution, it can be a rewarding journey.

We've broken it down into manageable steps to make the journey much more comfortable:

1. Assess Your Needs and Goals

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of headless commerce, take a step back and assess your current e-commerce situation. What's holding you back? Is your website slow? Lacks customization options? Struggling to reach customers on multiple platforms?

Take a moment to clearly define your and your team's pain points and set clear goals.

Do you want to boost sales, enhance the customer experience, or simply future-proof your business? Perhaps you want a combination of all three!

Understanding your starting point and desired destination will guide your headless commerce journey.

2. Choose the Right Tools and Technology Stack

Choosing the right tools is crucial for a successful headless commerce project. Explore options like Gatsby, Next.js, or React for your front-end development.

Consider your team's skills and the complexity of your project. Don't forget about the Shopify Storefront API, which acts as the connector between your custom design and Shopify's powerful back end.

Check out Shopify headless pricing options on the official website. They may already have a solution for you and can discuss your current options. If you already have a CRM and topology that you want to integrate, you will be able to speak to a dedicated account manager about getting started.

Read More: Shopify Pricing Plans: Detailed Guides

3. Design and Develop Your Custom Storefront

Bring your vision to life. Start by sketching out how you want your store to look and feel. Then, use your chosen technology to build a stunning storefront. Connect the dots between your beautiful design and Shopify's robust back-end using the Shopify Storefront API.

This will ensure that your products, customer information, and other vital data are displayed on your new website and are consistent across all channels.

4. Migration Planning

Moving to a new home for your online store requires careful planning. It is crucial to transfer your products, customer information, and order history to the new headless platform.

If you've invested in a custom Shopify theme, figure out what elements can be salvaged for your new design. Don't forget about those helpful apps you use. Plan how to incorporate them into your headless setup so that they are integrated right out of the box, wherever possible.

5. Testing and Optimization

Before you launch your new headless store, make sure everything runs smoothly. Test every feature and button, from checkout to searching for products.

Speed is critical, so optimize your store for lightning-fast load times. And remember, most people shop on their phones, so design with mobile users in mind.

Build up some anticipation before launch. You'll want your launch day to be loaded with new users so that you can gain instant feedback and test your volume limits.

If anything goes wrong, make sure you aren't ignoring anyone. Apologize, compensate (if necessary), and explain what you are doing to resolve the issue.

6. Launch and Monitor

Take your time and learn as you go. Consider a soft launch to iron out any last-minute wrinkles and get valuable feedback from early customers.

Once you're live, keep a close eye on how your store is performing. Use analytics to track sales, website traffic, and customer behavior.

This data will help you make improvements and fine-tune your strategy. Remember, your e-commerce journey is ongoing, so stay flexible and adapt as needed.

Headless Shopify in Action

Want to see the power of headless Shopify in action? Here are a few inspiring headless Shopify examples:

MVMT Watches

This watch and luxury accessory brand uses a headless Shopify setup to create a sleek, minimalist shopping experience and showcase products in a premium light. This is a great template to use if you want to display something elegant in a simple light so that it appeals to a broader audience.

MVMT Shopify Headless Commerce Example


The sustainable shoe company embraces the power of headless to deliver a seamless omnichannel experience, allowing customers to start a purchase online and finish in-store.

Allbirds Shopify Headless Commerce Example


The Australian furniture brand leverages Shopify's headless commerce to create a fast and responsive shopping experience that seamlessly integrates with their custom front-end. This approach allows Koala to maintain a high-performance website with quick load times and smooth navigation, enhancing user satisfaction. 

Koala Shopify Headless Commerce Example

These brands understand that a traditional Shopify store just won't cut it in today's competitive market. They understand that by using headless commerce, they've created shopping experiences that are as unique as their products.

Wrapping it Up

Like all business changes, embarking on a journey towards transforming your traditional Shopify store into a headless commerce hub can seem like a difficult decision, both financially and time-wise.

It's an investment, sure, but the payoff is a thrilling ride under the right conditions. You can break free from the constraints of traditional e-commerce, and you gain the power to create a truly exceptional shopping experience that leaves your customers wanting more.

Ready to ditch the digital doldrums and ignite your e-commerce success? Let's talk Shopify headless commerce!

Frequently asked questions

Headless Shopify is a way to separate the front-end (design and customer experience) of your online store from the back-end (product information, inventory, checkout) powered by Shopify. This separation gives you more flexibility to create unique and engaging shopping experiences.

Headless Shopify offers greater customization, performance, and scalability. It's ideal for businesses looking to create unique shopping experiences, integrate with other systems, or handle high-traffic volumes.

While having development skills is beneficial, it's not strictly necessary. Many agencies and developers specialize in headless Shopify implementations and can handle the technical aspects for you.

SEO is still crucial for headless Shopify stores. Implementing proper SEO strategies on your custom front end is essential for search engine visibility. Shopify's back end provides data that can be used to optimize your SEO efforts.

While having development skills is beneficial, it's not strictly necessary. Many agencies and developers specialize in headless Shopify implementations and can handle the technical aspects for you.

Typically, yes. Building a custom front end requires additional development costs. However, the long-term benefits in terms of flexibility, performance, and potential revenue can outweigh the initial investment.

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