Magento 2 Guides & Tricks

How to add a custom admin menu in Magento 2

How To Add a Custom Admin Menu in Magento 2

Magento 2 is a robust platform with loads of useful options and features. But from a development point of view, sometimes the provided options don’t fulfill all the requirements of a project, hence, custom options are required to complete some tasks. And a custom admin menu is among those you can implement yourself to improve your Magento admin workflow. Today, in this guide, you are going to l...
July 27, 2017
How to install Magento 2 extensions via Composer

How To Install Magento 2 Extensions Via Composer

This article will instruct you on installing Amasty Magento 2 extensions (or any other Magento 2 extensions) using the Composer. A lot of our customers were asking us how to do this with our extensions, so here you are! Learn what Magento Composer is from the official documentation →  Note: Please make sure that you know what you’re doing when following the instructions. If any actions or terms...
July 19, 2017
My access keys

How To Install Amasty M2 Extensions From Magento Marketplace

As you may know, Amasty is present on the new Magento Marketplace as an extensions vendor. Some merchants prefer to buy Magento 2 extensions from there, and our clients are often asking how to install extensions they purchased via the marketplace. Here's the short guide on doing it. The process is quite simple, but in case you have any additional questions, you can always contact our support de...
May 26, 2017
Magento error log: a starter guide

Magento Error Log: A Definite Guide

Even if you're not a developer or a technical specialist, working with Magento requires certain knowledge both about the CMS itself and some basic things how web apps work. Magento error log is a tool that lets you do basic troubleshooting and understanding the essence of your issues especially when you're seeing that something is going wrong, but you have no idea what exactly is not OK. What i...
May 7, 2017
how can magento 2 improve your restaurant, pizzeria, or other food-related business

How Can Magento 2 Improve Your Restaurant, Pizzeria, or Other Food-Related Business?

Magento 2 is a nice platform for any type of store. But what if you want to create a food ordering system on Magento? Is it possible? Yes, you can sell anything by using the Magento platform: food, drinks, pizzas, etc. Today we will consider some case studies that show how Magento 2 can help your food business and give you some examples of extensions that can be useful. Grocery online store Al...
February 13, 2017
Product page error

Product.OptionsPrice error on Magento and how to fix it

Hello to Amasty clients and the Magento community! This is an important note I wanted to share with you both for explaining issues you might have been facing, and to prevent this issue in the future. Recently, we have been receiving a lot of similar support requests about this error, which influences both the Magento functionality and the Amasty extensions correct performance. Product.OptionsP...
January 11, 2017

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro
