Magento 2 Guides & Tricks


10 Reasons Why Use Our Automatic Related Products

Though customers love ample choice options when shopping for a particular product, they have difficulties even choosing from 2 relatively similar products. So why not to assist customers by reducing the number of variants to optimum? This is what Magento 2 Automatic Related Products do. With this extension, you can simplify the process of choosing goods for customers by providing a block of sev...
January 27, 2020
Improved Magento 2 Advanced Reports

Magento 2 Advanced Reports | Ultimate Guide

You need to have statistical data to sell not worse than Amazon and manage your business by making data-driven decisions. Advanced Reports for Magento 2 gets you the current information about your customers’ behavior. This extension provides 20+ detailed report types that are merged into 3 big groups: sales, catalog, and customers. → Go to extension Basic features of Advanced Reports and how t...
January 21, 2020
firebear growth opportunities with improved import and export for magento 2

FireBear: Growth Opportunities with Improved Import and Export for Magento 2

Data transfers are often underrated. Not so many merchants see the benefits at first sight, and the true value of the processes stays clear mostly to those who strive to expand business prospects. Import and export help to migrate, and organize data, to synchronize not related systems and enrich backend operations, arrange workflows of all levels of complexity. Also, this tool allows you to...
December 18, 2019
magento 2 mega menu navigation

Top 12 UX Mistakes to Avoid in your Magento 2

During the holiday season, store owners rush to make their Magento 2 most appealing. However, some of these speedy solutions may only make matters worse. I’ve been designing sites and apps for various customers for 10 years. These were both small e-shops selling just a couple of goods and large stores with multimillion overturn and endless lists of categories and items. If I had charged a penny...
December 11, 2019
margarita nikolenko lead frontend developer

PWA in Magento 2: How to Use It?

The Magento community filled with rumors about PWA support in the new Magento release. Magento 2.3 came in late 2018, but PWA support was not there. It was not until Jan 2019 that PWA Studio was deployed. How I felt? Thrilled, as it offered Magento 2 stores a vast array of new opportunities. Margarita Nikolenko, Lead Frontend Developer   PWA gives your store a range of new features: I...
October 23, 2019
how to automate magento 2 testing with mftf

How to Automate Magento 2 Testing with MFTF

This September, Amasty took part in Meet Magento NYC. Valeria Shevtsova, Head of QA department, explained how MFTF works and how we use it at Amasty. And today, we share her speech and presentation with you. MFTF stands for Magento Functional Testing Framework. MFTF is an open-source cross-platform solution. MFTF enables you to quickly develop functional tests for the Magento application. A...
October 22, 2019

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro
