Amasty Blog


10 Reasons Why Use Our Automatic Related Products

Though customers love ample choice options when shopping for a particular product, they have difficulties even choosing from 2 relatively similar products. So why not to assist customers by reducing the number of variants to optimum? This is what Magento 2 Automatic Related Products do. With this extension, you can simplify the process of choosing goods for customers by providing a block of sev...
January 27, 2020
how are e-commerce giants using ai

How Are E-commerce Giants Using AI to Automate Their Commercial Tools?

I will begin with the assumption that you know what AI means. With artificial intelligence, you can do a lot, and, recently, we heard that this powerful innovation has the potential to сreate science. This development has led to tremendous changes in all aspects of life. However, we are only going to delve on the use of AI in automating e-сommerce tools. As you might already know, e-сommerce st...
January 24, 2020
Improved Magento 2 Advanced Reports

Magento 2 Advanced Reports | Ultimate Guide

You need to have statistical data to sell not worse than Amazon and manage your business by making data-driven decisions. Advanced Reports for Magento 2 gets you the current information about your customers’ behavior. This extension provides 20+ detailed report types that are merged into 3 big groups: sales, catalog, and customers. → Go to extension Basic features of Advanced Reports and how t...
January 21, 2020
firebear growth opportunities with improved import and export for magento 2

FireBear: Growth Opportunities with Improved Import and Export for Magento 2

Data transfers are often underrated. Not so many merchants see the benefits at first sight, and the true value of the processes stays clear mostly to those who strive to expand business prospects. Import and export help to migrate, and organize data, to synchronize not related systems and enrich backend operations, arrange workflows of all levels of complexity. Also, this tool allows you to...
December 18, 2019
8 steps to optimize your checkout page

E-commerce Checkout Page Optimization: 8 Steps to Help You Win More Sales

Have you been facing low conversion rates at your Magento 2 store? If yes, then you are not alone. According to statistics, the global cart abandonment rate for e-commerce is nearly 70%. There are many reasons why shoppers choose not to buy your products after they have added the products to their carts. The trust issue is a significant reason. When your site doesn't show credibility or yo...
December 17, 2019
andrew pemberton iweb

How to Bring Magento 2 Store to the Top [Expert's Opinion]

Hi to our blog readers! Today we have something special for you. We’ve interviewed our valuable Platinum partner Andrew Pemberton, Development Director at - Hi Andrew, we’re sure our readers have already heard about iWeb. How would you describe your company and the main mission firsthand? - iWeb is a web design agency based in Stafford. We’re passionate about Magento e-commerce and achiev...
December 12, 2019

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro